Through years of trainin, strange and rare ingredients, and more than a little powdered Lux, alchemists are able to distill the powers of The Mystery down into a tangible form, which can be drunk, inhaled, injected, or otherwise imbibed to grant healing and special (temporary) powers. Some mixtures function as supernatural poisons while others explode to wondrous (and terrible) effect. The manufacture and sale of such items is strictly regulated by the authorities of Belhaven, of course...but with enough coin and ingenuity, a determined adventurer can always find what they're after.
Listed in this section are some of the more interesting Consumable items a player may encounter during their adventures. These items are so named because once one is used, it is gone from your inventory. You can always acquire more from a store that has such items in stock. Of course, the rarer and more powerful items might have limited availability, so use them sparingly.
Using a Consumable
A Half Action is all that is required to quaff a potion, apply a poison, or throw an explosive. Doing so consumes the item in question, removing it from your inventory. Different types of items are consumed in different ways:
- Potions: You simply imbibe the potion by drinking, inhaling, injecting, or otherwise taking the substance into your body.
- Poisons: You either apply the potion to a weapon you have on your person or to an adjacent object (like food or drink). Like potions, a poison must be taken into the body in order for its effects to take place; in most cases, simply touching the substance is not enough to impart its effect.
- Explosives: You throw the item up to 10 + (Brawn) meters where it explodes on impact, and all creatures within the explosion must Save or suffer the effects of the explosive item. Some explosives create a persistent effect (like a fire or gaseous cloud) in their Area of Effect (often abbreviated AoE). Unless otherwise specified, an Explosive's AoE is a 3x3 meter square centered on the space where it exploded.
- Alternately, you can use an Action to place an explosive and set the fuse. The explosive will detonate at the end of your next turn.
- Alternately, you can use an Action to place an explosive and set the fuse. The explosive will detonate at the end of your next turn.
Reading Stat Blocks
Each consumable appears in its own block with its effects, duration, rarity, and market value all listed in one convenient place.
Name is a (Rarity) Type
valued at X Lux per Notch
with a Timing duration
A description of the item appears here. For the most part, this does not affect how the item works in terms of game mechanics; it is simply here for the sake of flavor and storytelling.
Notch 1 describes the item's most basic effect.
Notch 2 describes the item's moderate effects.
Notch 3 describes the item at its most powerful.
Rarity: How rare, valuable, and powerful an item typically is. Without many exceptions, rarer items are in greater demand due to their potency, thus the cost to attain them is generally higher. Rarity is indicated by color:
Type: There are three types of consumables described here.
- Potions: Medical items which generally have beneficial or restorative effects, strengthening or healing the one who imbibes them.
- Poisons: These deadly brews weaken or kill the victim over time and can be applied to a weapon or food to impart their deadly effects.
- Explosives: A volatile bomb that explodes on impact, affecting every creature (friend and foe alike) in a small area.
Value: How much Lux it typically costs to attain this item. While some shops may charge more and others may charge less, this is the typical market value for an item like this. Value increases for each Notch the item has.
Duration: How long the effects of the item last.
- X rounds/minutes/hours, etc.: Many consumables last for a set number of rounds, minutes, hours, etc. before their effects gradually fade.
- Instant: Some effects take place and end in the same moment (for example, a potion that restores HP or removes a negative status effect).
- Extended: Some very powerful consumables last for a long time, their effects only fading once you've completed a Full Rest (if you decide to stay up all night, such an item's effects end after 8 hours). Others last until the end of your next Rest (Short or Full). See the item's description for clarification.
- Variable: The duration of the item's effects vary depending on outside factors. The duration of the item's effect will be defined in each Notch's description.