Whatever the world was before, it exists now only as a memory, a ruined shadow whispering from the past of what might have been. Occassionally, remnants of ancient technology may be discovered and repaired or repurposed for modern use. Perphaps the greatest of these discoveries was not made, but encountered. The Mechan people belong to the world of old, synthetic being from another age who walk now among the peoples of AfterLight with no memory of their former lives or purposes, save for random flashes of corrupted data.
Mechan resemble Humans, with mechanical voices and glowing eyes which change colors from soft blue to fearsome red depending on their emotional state. Made from metal and plastic, Mechan are entirely synthetic and have no need for food, air, or rest. And just like the mortal creatures they are modeled after, Mechan have a mind, emotions, and free will of their own. Each has their own dreams and ambitions, likes and dislikes, personality quirks, hurts, habits, and hang-ups. These living relics are fairly rare - though most people living in Belhaven have seen a Mechan at one point or another, many common folk will still stop and stare when they see one. Due to the fact that its very foundations are built upon an ancient city whose long-forgotten technology helps power and protect the city, Belhaven happens to have more than its fair share of Mechan living and working there. While Mechan in other places throughout the world may live as outsiders (though not necessarily outcasts), in Belhaven, a small community of Mechan has been steadily growing. Mechan art, music, even philosophy and religion have taken root and begun to grow among the synthetic people of Belhaven. |
Recently awoken from centuries of slumber, Mechans are a new yet ancient race
Gnosis and Mechan Spirituality
The first murmurings of a spirituality began to stir among the Mechans around a century ago with the teachings of Gnostic Andrelle, the founder of the Gnostic Creed and its first leader. Andrelle claimed to have reached a state of perfect Gnosis, having reclaimed all his memories from the previous age. All Mechans experience flashes of random memories from their previous lives, corrupted data still lingering within their processing systems. Andrelle called these flashes Gnosis; knowledge of who the Mechan was and their destined place in the world. A Mechan who unlocks all of their memories and reaches a state of perfect knowledge of themselves and their place in the world is called a Gnostic; a leader of the faith and a paragon to all Mechans.
The Gnostic Creed claims that Mechans were first created by capturing and sealing Daemons within robotic bodies. Gnosis occurs when a Mechan glimpses their divine inner self working in harmony with their artificial outer self. Through meditation, self-discipline, and rigorous personal effort, a Mechan can unlock their memories and realize their place within the world. According to Andrelle and the Gnostic Creed, the creation of the Mechans contributed to the cataclysms which ended the world. But the final work of the departing gods was to redeem their lost Daemons and give a great purpose to the Mechans; to return the world to its previous state of bliss and perfection after it falls into ruin. Clearly, the Mechan have their work cut out for them. But through self-actualization and the attainment of Gnosis, Mechans will take their place as the saviors of AfterLight.
The Gnostic Creed claims that Mechans were first created by capturing and sealing Daemons within robotic bodies. Gnosis occurs when a Mechan glimpses their divine inner self working in harmony with their artificial outer self. Through meditation, self-discipline, and rigorous personal effort, a Mechan can unlock their memories and realize their place within the world. According to Andrelle and the Gnostic Creed, the creation of the Mechans contributed to the cataclysms which ended the world. But the final work of the departing gods was to redeem their lost Daemons and give a great purpose to the Mechans; to return the world to its previous state of bliss and perfection after it falls into ruin. Clearly, the Mechan have their work cut out for them. But through self-actualization and the attainment of Gnosis, Mechans will take their place as the saviors of AfterLight.
Naming trends
While most Mechans awaken with no recollection of their identity, nearly all can recall a serial number and/or designation like "B-701 Lamplighter", "412 Writ of Silence" or "X-Delta". Often times, this "name" is printed or laser-etched somewhere on the Mechan's body. Mechan use these serial numbers and designations as their names when dealing with other mortals, though some may elect to choose a new name for themselves or even allow a friend to give them a new name.
Mechans are functionally immortal and cannot die from old age, sickness, or infirmity of any kind. Their bodies endured the end of the last age, slumbering in ruins for centuries before awakening once more. Neither can new Mechans ever be born or made; those "new" Mechans who join the world are merely awakening from their slumber and wandering, blinking and confused, through a brand new world. While a Mechan may technically be centuries old, they only begin accounting for their age from the day of their awakening. Thus most Mechan one meets are "only" a few years old (though it is possible to meet some who are very old indeed).
Special Asset: Functional Immortality
Functional Immortality
You are an artificial creature, not a biological one.
You are an artificial creature, not a biological one.
- Unlike other player-character Species, your creature type is Construct, not Mortal.
- You do not need to eat or breathe (and you can't do either, even if you want to).
- You do not require sleep and are immune to any effect that would put you to sleep.
- Instead of sleeping, you may enter a state of lucid, semi-conscious rest for 4 hours to gain the benefits of a Full Rest.
- Poisons and potions have no effect on you whatsoever.
- You must be healed through mechanical, rather than medical, means (magic can still heal you and your body does heal on its own over time, just like a living creature).
As above, but...
As above, but...
- You can eat or breathe if you want to (though it doesn't provide you with any benefit).
- You remain fully conscious and fully aware of your surroundings during periods of rest.
- Poisons have no effect on you, but your systems are adapted to synthesize potions, allowing you to gain their full benefit.
- Double your starting Hit Points.